Acupuncture and moxibustion therapies can be very effective in the treatment of children’s diseases, and in Japan many children come to the acupuncture clinic. The main techniques are performed using needles specifically developed for the treatment of children. These are non-insertive techniques such as pointing, rubbing, tapping and scratching. Therefore, children can enjoy the treatment without being afraid.
Classteachesparticipantshowtoperformacupunctureonchildren,usingneedlesspecifically developedforthetreatmentofchildren,andusingnon-Insertivetechniquessuchas Taishin, Zanshin, Enshin are three of the ancient nine needles described in the Ling Shu and they regulate the Ki and blood without being inserted. Those are often used on adult and children alike. They’re various needles and uses will cover.Studentswilllearn Japanese meridiantherapyforchildrenfocusing onthepulsediagnosisapproachesdevelopedbyexperiencedpractitionersJapan.
Past Events
Specialized Japanese Bloodletting and Cupping Therapies
Date: 10th (Sat) and 11th (Sun) of JUNE 2017 9:00am to 5:00pmFee: Tuition: Ac-students: $325.00 Professionals: $385.00 (Hari Member 10% off) Location: CULIA KI CLINIC INC. 25 Church St., Watertown, MA 02472 Ph. 617-926-6986Instructor: T. Koei Kuwahara, Lic.Ac. MA, Japan President of the Hari SocietyOrganizer:Boston Hari Society: Jen Jackson, D.Ac. (401) 862-4894
Blood provides the foundation for the creation of energy in the body. Ki governs blood; blood is the mother of Ki.
Bloodletting is one of the oldest methods of acupuncture. It is included in roughly half of the treatments in the Su Wen, Ling Shu, which says bloodletting is the basis of acupuncture and calls for its use before other techniques. While the effects of bloodletting can often be profound, it is essential that it be used correctly.
Mr. Kuwahara studied the theory and practice of bloodletting in Japan with Dr. Kunsei Kudo and Kodo Fukushima. This workshop is taught with a focus on clinical efficacy so that participants may competently incorporate it into their practice. This is a rare opportunity to learn techniques that have not often been taught in the United States.
In this workshop, theory and practice will be covered:
Phenomenon of stasis
Purpose and effects of bloodletting
Vascular spiders
Emergency treatments
Use and purpose of cupping with bloodletting
Kuwahara Sensei has been practicing for 40+ years
He is one of only two people allowed by Tanioka Masanori Sensei, who holds this family lineage of Daishi Hari, to teach this style of treatment in the West. This is an opportunity to study with a genuine master.
At the completion of this seminar you will:
How to recognize and treat the most common pediatric complaints
Unique diagnostic techniques with special emphasis on the refinement of your palpation & touch
How to adjust the simple, yet challenging, techniques of daishi shonihari to account for the age and level of health of the patient
How to give a whole-body shonishin treatment for all ages
This event will teach you unique techniques for treating the most common conditions within the pediatric population. No experience needed; yet perfect for those looking to deepen their knowledge. This program will provide ample time to explore not only how to work with children, but how to utilize non-insertive acupuncture tools, e.g. Enshin & Teishin. Several treatment protocols will be covered with ample time for practice.
Advanced Hari style of Acupuncture (Kototama)
Extraordenary Vessel Treatment Shigo Treatment
New England School of Acupuncture
Sunday, 9:00 am ・5:00 pm
Schedule and Handouts
Extraordenary Vessel Treatment NESA Cheating Sheet for EV NESA Shigo Treatment NESA
The extraordinary vessels are not deeply related to the internal organs, but when a disease is mainly at exterior and the internal organs are slightly affected, or when the defense system of the body doesn’t function well because of co-existing internal and external causes, this treatment method is highly effective. In this workshop studentswilllearndiagnosesaccordingtosymptomology (including special EV),pathways,pulse diagnoses (feedback method), abdominalpalpation, localdiagnosisandeightcouplepointdiagnosis. Pulse diagnoses will be learned using magnets and finger sensitivity as feedback. With regard to treatment methods, student will learn about use of magnets, needle, and moxa.
Shigo; Oncethehumanbodyisdiseased,itbecomesunabletoadjustitselftochangesin nature andsometimesseverepainoccurs,orsymptomsappearonaspecificmeridianorataspecifictimeof day.Insuchcase,Shigotreatmentcanbeextremelyeffective. Techniques to be covered including using moxa, magrain (press-ball) and such needles as the Taishin (Gold needle #30) and Goshin (regular needle) Studentswilllearnasimple and effective systemof treatmentusedinThe Hari Society.
La Fonda
Advanced Pulse Quality Diagnosis 2 Days workshop in NM
This two days seminar will teach practitioners to effectively use six-position pulse diagnosis (the radial artery pulse diagnosis with an introduction from the Nan Jing), and pulse diagnosis as feedback method. These principles and methods are applicable to any style of acupuncture.
Day 1. The pulse-strength comparison in the six positions The six-position pulse diagnosis is a method used to examine the six positions as a whole and each of the six positions individually in order to determine whether there is any deficiency, excess, cold, or heat in the ki, blood, and fluids of the organs and meridians. We can learn six-position pulse diagnosis in a step by step manner, as outlined. 1) To begin with, we start only how to differentiate deficient and excess (weak and strong) qualities to determinate the pattern/Sho of imbalance with understanding Stomach pulse/Middle pulse. 2) The six-basic-pulse quality diagnosis is a method for classifying various pulse qualities into six categories. It will help in determining which technique is the most appropriate to use. 3) Also we apply the learned techniques into the Japanese Meridian Therapy with retaining style tonification technique. It brings pulse dx. into focus. Day 2. Pulse-quality diagnosis in six-positions and feedback method. The methods taught in this class helps practitioners to use pulse diagnosis for more than just identifying a pattern of disease. In this way the location of disease (i.e. the meridian, point(s) to be treated), the pathology, and needling techniques all become that much more precisely determined. 1) Howto detect abnormaland correct pulse, with understanding stomach ki quality and Jaki/evil ki. 2) How Pulse quality diagnosis can be used to determine the most appropriate points and needling techniques. 3) And also you will learn how the pulse can be used as a feedback method for assessing the effectiveness of the treatment as it is being given or as affected.
Treating Disorders Related to Pregnancy
Sunday 9:00 am ・5:00 pm
Description: This seminar addresses infertility and various disorders encountered during and after pregnancy with Japanese acupuncture. Acupuncture treatment can be effective against nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, shortness of breath, toxicity of pregnancy, metrorrhagia, some infectious diseases, and dystocia caused by breech baby. Miscarriage prevention and easing delivery such as pain relief and dilation problems will be covered, as will post-partum pathologies.