We, at Ki Science Institute/CULIA Ki Clinic are inviting you to a very special event on 10/15-thru 10/17 from 9am.to 5pm.
The first lecture will introduce attendees to Ms.Mori ( a licensed acupuncturist) and the Koda method; the concept of eating lightly to overcome disease as well as raising consciousness about our relationship to the planet, and releasing our attachments to excessive life styles.
In addition we also have the honor of introducing Mr.Sato who will demonstrate in his lecture a profound style of Qi-gong /energy work which is called Spiritual Kiko.
You will find more information in our brochure (http://culia.net/images/Mori-Sato_Seminar_2010_PDF.pdf). If you are interested in attending please fill out the registration form and feel free to call us with any questions at 1-617-926-6986.
Looking forward to seeing you,
The Power of Lighter Eating Real Health Maintenance with Spiritual Kiko (energy work)
B: C: SUPER SESSION 10/16 (SAT.)-10/17(SUN) 9AM-5PM
---Lunch time--- It is from 12:30 -1:30pm. Participants may bring their own lunches or eat in the area. NO food or lunch services provided during all sessions.
========================================== A1: The light eater of love and mercy -- Ms. Mori The life of not eating is also interesting. ========================================== As a young girl, Ms. Mori (a licensed acupuncturist), was diagnosed with Spinocerebellar Degeneration (SCD). She was able to overcome this intractable disease by using the raw vegetable diet of the "Koda Method". Each day she eats only one cup of 80 calorie green juice, plus a small amount of supplements for health maintenance. Not only has she had no further health problems for 15 years, but this lifestyle has allowed her soul to shine brighter and brighter. Now her words and actions are attracting the attention of others who are suffering from difficult diseases as well as the interest of a spiritual leader and medical scholar. Ms. Mori says, "It is love and mercy to perform Eating Light. We would like to show the world the way of life which produces harmony. It is a new perspective which counters the current attitude of gluttony in the United States and Japan." At this Friday seminar, the recently produced film "The Era of Eating Light" will be presented, as well as discussions with Ms. Mori. At the weekend super sessions, she will share a detailed explanation of the raw vegetable diet which is also a spiritual way of living .
========================================== A2: Spiritual Kiko which brings a fortune -- Mr. Sato ==========================================
The KIKO method, created by Mr. Tadashi Sato, is a very simple and unique form of energy work which can be used anywhere, anytime, and by anyone.
This method (1) makes it possible to not only receive external KI (energy) from the universe, but to also generate internal KI (energy). (2) harmonizes the mind, body, and universe through a lower center of gravity. (3) and changes the balance of "contraction KI" and "expansion KI" in order to focus concentration, deep sleep, and meditation.
This easy, daily self-training strengthens mind and body in addition to increasing your sense of life purpose. Sato style KIKO guides you to an existence filled with the energy to make yourself happy along with the people around you. Other benefits that have been reported are increased immunity, out-of-body experiences, and a feeling of connection with the essence of the great universe.
Seminar Schedule ------------------------------------------------------ A: General Seminar Friday, Oct. 15th ------------------------------------------------------- A1: Era of Eating Light 9am-12:30pm Ms. Michiyo Mori A2: Spiritual Kiko 1:30pm-5:00pm Mr. Tadashi Sato
-------------------------------------------------------- B: Super Session Power of eating light and Spiritual practice with Ms. Mori -------------------------------------------------------- B1: 16th Oct. 9am-5pm Explanation of the Nishi-Koda style diet and different levels of small diets that are individually created for each person (of which Mori represents the most extreme form) B2: 17th Oct. 9am-5pm Practice the Nishi style exercise (goldfish, makko, etc) and Worshiping Hands to be a healer. Demo and Experience for Ki therapy
---------------------------------------------------------------- C: Super Session Spiritual Kiko with Mr. Sato ---------------------------------------------------------------- C1: 16th Oct. During session B Individual One hour Kiko guidance C2: 17th Oct. During Session B Individual One hour Kiko guidance
============================ Registration forms and Payment ============================ The following information is required for the registration. Last Name: First Name: Street Address:
City, State/Province, Zip Code: Home Phone: Cell Phone: E-mail Address: Classes you will take(Please refer the following Fee Schedule): Payment with Credit Card Card # : Expiration Date(Month/Year): Amount to be charged to credit card: $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you send us Checks or U.S. Bank Money Order, make checks payable to: Ki Science Institute Mail to: 25 Church St. Watertown, MA 02472 USA
Please include your payment in full with registration forms EMAILED or postmarked by Monday, October 4th or earlier (Later than this date, NO REFUND).
============ Fee Schedule ============ ** A: General Seminar Only $35.00 $50.00 (At door) ** A+B(1) or A+B(2) $160.00 (very Limited offer) ** A+B(1+2) $210.00 (Limit 15 persons) ** During B sessions C(1) or C(2) $100.00 for each session (very Limited offer) Example: A+B(1)+C(1) or A+B(2)+C(2) $260.00 A+B(1+2)+C(1)or C(2) $310.00 A+B(1+2)+C(1+2) $410.00
Copyright 2006 CULIA KI CLINIC INC. All rights reserved